St. Michael's Cathedral, Bridgetown, Barbados

Worship the Lord in the beauty of his Holiness; let the whole earth stand in awe of Him”  Ps. 96:9

One of the aspects of worship that I miss most since COVID has modified our worship is, of course, singing. I regularly reflect on the Saturday Service in March when we received the news from the Archbishop that services were suspended. Since we are never able to predict the future, who knew that we would not be singing in the way that we did at that service for such a long time?

Well, of course God knew and He inspired us to worship in the beauty of holiness at that service and at all of the others since then, just in different ways, with different themes, technologies and the faith that will take us through this pandemic and beyond!

An Advent Prayer

"Lord Jesus, we wait for You in these times of wanting everything now. May we cultivate patience this Advent and take time to truly listen to your desire for our lives as we make our journey through this world. Teach us about ourselves that we may come to a deeper awareness of what is important in life. May we seek out quiet moments and spaces away from the rush of the crowds as we prepare our hearts to receive you once again.  Amen"

- Wayne Edwards